At Braunstone Frith Primary Academy we truly believe that our children deserve a curriculum that ensures they are ready to be the most “Positive Thinkers and LiFE Long Learners” that they can be in their learning and in their lives. To make sure all subjects are built around the needs of our children we have created our 7 key principles.

We are preparing our children for a life in the 21st Century. For the children to be successful in their learning and in their life we truly believe that the ability for them to communicate is key. We aim for the children to ‘learn TO talk’ and give them the confidence, resilience and social skills to communicate to anyone they may meet. In addition, our children also ‘learn THROUGH talk’ and move from using talk to explore curriculum content to developing their understanding to be able to present their learning to a range of audiences.
Knowledge and skills progression
Our spiral curriculum is designed to build knowledge and skills year on year. We work on a philosophy of ‘less is more’ that will allow our children to over learn the key information and skills that they need to become experts of their own learning. Teachers plan for the key concepts from each unit to be committed to long term memory and pass these onto the next year group as building blocks for the children’s next stage.
Use a rich and varied vocabulary
Our vocabulary teaching focuses on words that can be learnt in the context of one particular topic but can also be used in a range of contexts. This is so that our children are exposed to a manageable amount of language that can be transferred into long term memory. They will demonstrate their understanding of new vocabulary in their spoken and written work.
Making connections
Each subject is built around a ‘bedrock’ of learning in that subject. We have identified the key knowledge and skills that our children need in order to be successful in that subject. We aim for every child to be confident in these ‘bedrock’ skills by the time they leave us. Examples of these bedrocks are chronology in History, locational knowledge in Geography and working scientifically in Science. By building these sills year on year the children commit them to long term memory and are able to make connections within subjects and across the curriculum.
Every member of our community is made to feel welcome in our school. All children, no matter their needs, are able to access our curriculum and reach their full curriculum. All children, families, staff and visitors are made to feel welcome in our school and we ensure this ethos is part of the fabric of everything we do by teaching No Outsiders. SMSC and British Values are threaded through all aspects of our curriculum too to ensure all children are ready for life in the 21st Century.
The whole child
We are committed to offering our children a wide range of experiences that enhance and reach beyond the curriculum. Through planned trips and visits, a programme of high quality resources and activities our children are exposed to numerous quality and beautiful experiences. These experiences aim to enhance their learning and the understanding of the world around them. We aim for our curriculum to build a sense of social responsibility both in the local community and in the wider world. Our curriculum ensures that our children are exposed to the awe and wonder of the world and the importance of understanding British Values in today’s society.
To find out more about any areas of our curriculum, please email or ask at the school office – [email protected]