At Braunstone Frith Primary Academy, we read regularly to and with your child/children. At home, it is also really important that reading is supported with an adult or older sibling. This should be for about 15 – 20 minutes 4 – 5 times a week. You don’t need to be an expert in reading – here are some of our top tips to help make the time enjoyable for all!
Top Tips:
- Read before bedtime – it is a great way to unwind as part of your child’s bedtime routine.
- Find a quiet spot away from distractions such as televisions, computer games on in the background.
- Discuss your child’s book. Encourage them to say what has happened in their own words.
- If your child is tired, you could try reading the text together, taking it in turns to read the pages, or reading a book you love to your child, if this is in your child’s first language they will still widen their word range and knowledge too!
- Most of all keep reading fun – little and often sharing stories together is so valuable and they will love spending time with you!
Libraries are great places to visit. Local libraries to Braunstone are below: They are all FREE to join and the staff there will be happy to help you!
Braunstone Town Library Civic Centre

Book Bus
We’re very lucky to have the Book bus visit us every Wednesday after school from 3.00pm-3.30pm. Click here for a full time table of the Book Buses other stops across Leicester.