Naomi Grant
I started working at Braunstone Frith in 2006 as an Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) at the Junior School. I have been dedicated to the children in this community ever since and cannot imagine working anywhere else. I have always loved being part of the Braunstone Frith team and I am proud to now lead the team as Head of School. I strongly believe that positive, professional relationships are the foundations for all that we do and I strive to ensure that every pupil and every member of staff has a sense of belonging to the Braunstone Frith team.
Izzy Reid-Mackay
I am a parent of four children, who have previously attended Braunstone Frith Primary Academy. I am also a teacher at a local primary school.
I wanted to become a governor to help develop the school so children in the local area get the best education possible. I would like to see Braunstone Frith Primary Academy be an outstanding school and for all children to make good progress and I will support & challenge school leaders to achieve this
Graham Foster
I am a parent governor and I have two children, who previously attended this Academy. I wanted to become a governor to find out what the academy was doing for my children and if I could help in any way.
I would love to see the children’s achievements reflect the work that is being done. I want to show our community that we work as a team and that they understand what governors do.
Ann Paull
I started teaching in 1968 in London. I have taught in primary schools, mainly in Leicester, ever since until I retired in 2015. I was married to a teacher and I have one daughter.
I was very pleased to be invited to be a governor at BFPA and be involved in the strategic overview of the academy. It is exciting to share the responsibility of helping the academy move to outstanding.
I would love to see the academy move from good to outstanding, reflecting the hard work of both staff and children.
Karen Duggan
I am the Assistant Head of Foundation Stage and ICT at Braunstone Frith Primary Academy. I spent 10 years teaching in the United Arab Emirates before arriving at Braunstone Frith Infant School. I am pleased to be part of the Governing Body of Braunstone Frith Primary Academy. The children are at the heart of all that we do and I am proud to be part of that for this academy.
Amanda Scott
I am a parent of 2 primary school age children and work within LiFE Multi Academy Trust central services and I am currently completing my diploma in School Business Management.
Having worked with Braunstone Frith Primary Academy, I admired the passion and determination of the staff to see pupils progress and thrive. I wanted to be part of this and use my background in business management to challenge and help BFPA achieve their ambitions and the recognition they deserve.
Conor Woolman
I am a former pupil of Braunstone Frith Primary Academy and I loved the 7 years I spent learning and developing there. I am currently employed as the Facilities Manager for LiFE Multi Academy Trust Central Team.
Lotus De Cort
I first came to Braunstone Frith Primary in 2018 for my 2nd teacher training placement and loved the school from the moment that I walked in through the door. Following this, I went on to work at the school as a Teaching Assistant and I’m now employed as a cover supervisor,. This has given me experience across the school and working with children in all the different year groups. I also attend monthly support staff focus group meetings as co-staff representative and liaise between staff and leadership.
Damian Thurston
I am the parent of two teenagers and work within the LiFE Multi-Academy Trust as a deputy headteacher in a secondary school. I was a trustee of OAK Multi-Academy Trust for 6 years which consisted of 4 primary schools and a secondary school and chaired the Curriculum and Standards Committee.
I have had the pleasure of working with Braunstone Frith Primary Academy for many years. I have always been struck by the dedication and passion of the staff working with the children, determined to get the very best out of them and to do the very best for them. As a teacher I am passionate about ensuring that children have a wealth of opportunities to grow and develop as people and learners. I wanted to become a governor of Braunstone Frith Primary Academy to support and challenge school leaders to ensure the hard work in the school continues and that the children leave as confident and competent young people.
Amanda Clark
I have joined the Local Governing Body as a parent governor.
Cheryl King
I have joined the Local Governing Body as a parent governor. I was part of the school team for many years. Firstly, as a parent reader. Then I was given an opportunity to volunteer as part of my college course for my teachers assistant qualification and work within reception classes. My reasoning for becoming a governor is so that as a school we will grow and give every child an opportunity to follow our ethos and values.