
At Braunstone Frith Primary Academy, we aim to instill a love of Maths with a grasp on all the aspects of the Maths curriculum so our children can apply this to everyday situations and truly become life-long learners.
At Braunstone Frith we use a range of resources across the school to enhance and develop teaching and learning. Lessons are designed so every child’s learning is supported through the use of concrete manipulatives and  pictorial representations before they move onto abstract symbols (CPA).


We use Maths No Problem to support teaching and learning from Y1-Y6. This is a high-quality text book scheme endorsed by the Department for Education. 
Retrieval practice strategies are used daily and effectively planned into lessons through Mini Maths and Flashback Friday for students to check their understanding on a previous area of learning.
The Maths No Problem textbooks are used to support our mastery based curriculum which teachers use in addition to ‘Dig Deeper’ tasks and high quality questioning.

Times Tables

We love Times Tables Rock Stars here at BFPA! The children love challenging each other and even the teachers to rock slams and rock battles! They work hard to improve their ‘Rock Speed’ and all aspire to be Rock Heroes!
Throughout the year, we hold competitions across year groups and classes for a bit of friendly competition.


By the time children leave our school they will:
  • Make good progress
  • Have a positive and resilient attitude towards Maths
  • To confidently tackle mathematical problems
  • Use their oracy skills to enthusiastically discuss their learning.