On Wednesday 8 March pupils came together to celebrate the achievements of women in society. Mrs Tatton was delighted to receive a bunch of flowers from a Year 1 pupil who gave thanks for her hardwork.
It was World Book Day on Thursday 2 March and our pupils enjoyed getting creative and dressing as their favourite book characters.
Tuesday 7 February was International Safer Internet Day and Braunstone Frith Primary Academy pupils discussed how to be safe online and this year’s theme was ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’.
These discussions included children drawing or writing on a post-it note something that they might see or might happen to them online that they would need to tell an adult about.
They then bought this post-it note with them through an obstacle course of gym equipment. At the end of the course, they put their ‘worry’ into a box that said something they would need to tell an adult about.
Teachers then explained that sometimes it can be difficult to tell adults about worries online but it is very important that you do. This ‘Tell Someone’ box allowed conversations to be started on how best to be safe online.