Western Park have had a brilliant start to their Forest School sessions. The children have been busy planting and creating objects from natural materials as well as playing games such as ‘123 where are you’ and ‘ladybirds’.

Pupils have used the tools: palm drills, loppers and bowsaws. For each tool they learnt a tool talk so they can be used safely and learnt the ways in which these tools can be used. They used the palm drills to drill holes for their woodland necklaces, they used loppers to chop wood to make frames and used bow saws to make ‘log dogs’.

The children have also learnt ‘square lashing’ and have applied this skill to make scarecrows and frames. Pupils learnt about the Japanese art of Hapa Zome and created beautiful pieces of art using leaf dye. They have had to apply their maths skills of measuring as well as their art skills of colour to create these pieces.

Throughout the sessions the children have shown brilliant REACH IT skills, especially their resilience and teamwork skills. We are incredibly proud of how hard the children have worked during their Forest School sessions and look forward to our future sessions!